Friday, September 26, 2008

make that money level 31-40

Hopefully by now you are starting to make some real money at least a million or two an hour

The Federal Reserve heist is a great mission however it takes so much energy to do it but it pays off nicely when you can do it. That’s why I stressed putting skill points into energy so you could do this mission.

Now is the time to start concentrating on buying the bigger more expensive properties.

Concentrate on buying a casino or two and a couple of seaside resorts. Buying just 1 casino and 1 seaside resort will boost your hourly income by $500,000 an hour or $12 million a day.

Think about what your long term goals are? Are you going to buy 10 casinos or 10 seaside resorts? Whichever you choose make sure you buy the corresponding vacant land in bulk because you want the hourly income from the vacant land that ultimately you need anyway so buy it as soon as possible.

This stage of the game is also quite boring as you will pretty much just sit around waiting to do the gold heist mission and watching your hourly income build up so that you can buy the bigger properties.

You should level up a lot slower in this phase of the game since you can only do the gold heist once every 4.5 hours

Use these levels to concentrate on doubling tripling or even quadrupling your hourly income.

At level 35 you will be able to buy a humvee. Do not buy this vehicle for any reason at this stage of the game. This vehicle will cost you $1.5 million to buy and $13,000 an hour or $312,000 a day in upkeep for just one and it doesn’t come into play for mission until level 100.

Keep adding mobsters to your mob and equipping them. Now is the time to start buying better weapons. Make sure each of your mobsters has an ak-47 a bullet proof vest and a vehicle also make sure you have some mini guns and at least 1 rpg launcher. Sell all of your hand guns

At level 40 you get to do the high stakes gambling mission make sure you own a casino.

This is the mission you should be doing until level 50, abandon the Federal Reserve heist
Although risky you can do this mission at almost a rate of 4-1 vs the Federal Reserve heist . It will also help you level up quickly towards level 50 and the shopping malls.

Here are some general tips you should be following as well

Once you are clearing over 1 million an hour after upkeep stop using the bank. You are now clearing over 24 million a day. If you were to deposit your $$$ you would lose 2.4 million in bank fees. On average the most amounts of fights you should lose in a 24 hour period are 24. If you lost $100,000 each time you would lose $2.4 million a day, so if you are making clearing over 1 million an hour it is more beneficial not to bank your money.

Use all of your energy points every time you sign on but use them wisely. Do the biggest mission you can after being away for any substantial amount of time. Use any extra remaining energy points towards the next mission. Use all of your points before you sign off for any length of time (work, school, sleep)

Keep an eye on your level meter and my mobster tab. If you are getting close to leveling up and only need a few points to get to the next level go out and attack a few mobsters that are weaker than you instead of doing a mission that might take 30 energy to get to the next level, especially on levels right before new missions where you will need higher energy to complete the new missions.

When you will be away from the game for any substantial amount of time make sure you log out from the game. Yes you can and probably will still be attacked while you are away but by logging out you are not visible on the fight page and therefore less likely to be attacked.

Hopefully I have helped you in some way?

Please leave me a comment or better yet add me to your mob

Add my club as well

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Building your empire

I am grouping levels 16-30 together as you only get 2 new missions during this time frame (maritime trafficking and Federal Reserve heist)

This is the time to really starting building your real estate empire and boosting your hourly income.

Continue doing the bank robbery mission and using that money to buy undeveloped land and properties.

Now is the time to start concentrating on generating enough money to buy some empty storefronts. Remember it’s better to buy land and properties in bulk. However once undeveloped land is used up it returns to its original price. Do not buy more undeveloped land until you have used up what you have.

Do the bank robbery mission and as soon as you can afford to buy 10 empty store fronts. Next save up and buy 10 condos. Save up and buy another 10 vacant store fronts and then save up and buy 10 hotels. Continue this process until you have 26 condos and 32 hotels.

The next step is to buy a plaza as soon as you have $1,000,000 buy it. The next step is saving and buying a skyscraper.

After buying a few skyscrapers work on buying a few sea side resorts and a casino.

Visit the mobsters’ forum and check out this topic it contains a few different spread sheets that will give you some examples on what buying different properties will do to your bottom line it’s very informative

By now you have reached level 20 and might be tempted to do the maritime trafficking mission.

Do not do this mission under any circumstances.

The cost to do this mission does not justify it at all. First off you need an initial outlay of 14.5 million to buy the sea side lot the shipyard and the yacht. In addition it will cost you $35,000 an hour in upkeep or $840,000 a day. Just keep during the bank robbery mission instead.

Keeping adding to your mob and equipping them with weapons vests and vehicles.

Keep upping your energy levels with skill points as you will need 55 energy points to do the federal gold reserve heist at level 30

If you have found my blog informative leave me a comment or better yet add me to your mob.

Please add my nightclub as well

Rolling along levels 11-15

Hopefully you newer mobsters are getting the hang of the game and figuring out what is working best for you.

If you have been following my program you should be making between $5000-$7000 an hour

In this stage of the game you get 2 new missions moonshine bootlegging and bank robbery. For the bootlegging mission you are going to have to purchase 3 Bentleys at a cost of $180,000 ($60,000 each). The Bentleys will also cost you $300 an hour in upkeep. This mission takes a total of 38 energy to complete. You will need at least 18 energy to do the moonshine bootlegging mission.

Spend level 11 doing the protection money mission and saving that money to buy your 3 Bentleys. Do not buy the Bentleys until you get to level 12. There is no reason to pay the upkeep before you can actually do the mission and make some money. I recommend you do both of the distill moonshine missions and then wait until your energy replenishes to 18 before you purchase your Bentleys. To maximize profits and minimize costs wait until right after you get your hourly income to purchase the Bentleys this will save you $300.

Continue doing the moon shinning mission buy 10 AK-47’s and banking your money until you get to level 15.

At level 15 buy 3 armored trucks and do the bank robbery mission. Use the money you make from this mission to buy weapons, bulletproof vests, and vehicles as need to outfit your mobsters. This mission will make you a lot of money over time. Get use to doing it as you will be doing it a lot over the next 15 levels.

Levels 11-15 don’t lend themselves well to building your real estate empire as you need the money you make during these levels to buy necessary Ak’s and vehicles.

Keep using your skill points to raise your energy and your attack and defense depending on your preference.

Next blog levels 16-30.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Moving along levels 6-10

Moving along… levels 6-10

Ok if you followed my advice for levels 1-5 you should now be making about $1200-$1300 an hour. It’s not a lot but you are starting to build your real estate empire little by little.

On level 5 you acquired 2 new missions to do (collect protection money and the art museum heist) both require a vehicle which I did not touch on in my starting out blog.

Buy an El-Camino and do the collect protection money mission. Skip the art museum heist for a while. The reasons being are that the El Camino is 4.5 times cheaper than the Escalade $20,000 vs. $90,000 and more importantly the hourly upkeep is 10 times cheaper $20 vs. $200. You cannot afford to be paying out $200 an hour at this point for one vehicle.

Continue doing missions, attacking people, or banking money until you have $25,000 and then buy 5 vacant lots this will add $500 to your hourly income or an additional $12,000 a day. If you have the patience wait until you have $50,000 and buy 10 vacant lots for double the income, but make sure you buy these lots in bulk.

Vacant lots are the best deals in this game

Now continue doing what you are doing to make money (missions, attacking, or saving) until you can afford to buy some more restaurants and condos remember to buy these in bulk as the price goes up 10% for each unit you buy.

Important tip do not buy any more vacant lots until you have used up the 5 for 10 you purchased earlier as the price will have gone up on each lot.

Once you have bought the 5 or 10 properties listed above and have used all of your vacant lots up buy 5 or 10 more

You should be making anywhere from $2300-$5000 an hour now.

Continue adding mobsters to your mob and equipping them as you can afford to.

Remember to buy vacant lots in bulk and let them sit until you decide what you want to build on them

Remember to level up slowly if you can, as each level you go up you will need 5 additional mobsters which means you need vests and weapons for them

Continue using your skill points to up your energy levels and your attack and defense levels. I still recommend concentrating on upping your energy as each new mission requires more energy to do it but it is also usually more profitable as well.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

new mobsters starting out level 1-5

Starting out levels 1-5.

The key to this game is patience and leveling up slowly when you start out.

When you first start the game buy a crowbar and a 38 special.

Immediately do the residential burglary 2 times. Wait 5 minutes until your energy gets to 5 and do the grand theft auto mission. Then immediately buy a shot gun.

Visit the godfathers tab and cash in your favor points for cash. Use that money to open up a bank account. This serves two purposes, 1 it protects your money from other people trying to steal it and 2 it shows on your profile that you have opened a bank account which should deter people from attacking you who are looking to steal your money.

Now you should spend some time on the fight page looking for mobsters to fight who are weaker than you and who have not yet opened up a bank account.

Look for new mobsters who are just starting the game like you and have not yet purchased a weapon of any kind or just the crowbar. This is an easy fight to win and you should make some $$$ out of it. You will also not lose much if any health points and you will not gain any experience points which is a good thing when you are starting out.

When choosing a mobster to attack you want to look at 3 things on his page achievements (make sure he hasn’t opened a bank account. It would show up as a bronze metal called off the streets) you want to look at his weapons and make sure he has less than you and then you want to look at his fight stats if he has lost more than he has won he is a good target.

While you are waiting for your stamina and energy point to replenish now would be a good time to get two of your friends to join your mob. Only recruit 2 because you already have a weapon for each of them and yourself.

Now you have to start generating some income by buying some property this is the most important element to this game as income from properties will allow you to buy equipment and more importantly more properties so that you can make more money.

Once you have $2000 in cash withdraw $8000 from your bank account (you did remember to open up a bank account didn’t you?) and buy 2 vacant lots for $10,000 ($5000 each) buy both vacant lots at the same time as each successive lot will cost you 10% more than the last one if you buy them individually. You will now have an income of $200 an hour or $4800 a day. It’s not much but it’s a start.

Next you need to save, do missions, or attack people until you have $20,000 to spend. Buy 2 townhomes at the same time. This will generate an hourly income of $600 or $14,400 a day.

Your next step is a matter of personal preference. You can either repeat the previous property steps but it will now costs you $34,000 to buy 2 vacant lots and 2 townhomes as the cost of the town homes will now be $12,000 each. This way will generate another $14,400 a day

Or you can buy 1 vacant lot and save until you can buy 1 restaurant total cost $35,000. This way will generate $16,800 a day.

At some point you will need to purchase some bullet proof vests for your mobsters and additional weapons for any additional mobsters you have added to your mob. When buying weapons early on buy Beretta 9mm or shot guns (do not by Uzi’s they are a waste of money) you can buy both a 9mm and a shot gun for $500 less than an Uzi and they will have a better total defense than an Uzi will.

You can have 5 mobsters X each level you obtain. Example level 1 X 5 mobsters =5 mobsters, level 2 X 5 mobsters= 10 mobsters, level 3 X 5 mobsters =15 mobsters ect.

You will need to equip each additional mob member who joins your mob. Theoretically you should have a 9mm for offence for each mobster a shot gun for defense for each mobster and a bullet proof vest for each mobster this will cost $11,000 per mobster

Beretta 9mm $2,000
Shot Gun $3,000
Bullet proof vest $6,000

In the early levels buy a combination of 9mm and shot guns so that each mobster has one or the other but not both, save your money for other things.

When you get to each successive level you will be given 3 skill points to use for attack, defense, energy, health, or stamina

Concentrate on raising attack, defense and energy. I suggest putting 1 point towards defense each time. If you are going to attack people a lot put 1 point into attack as well but always put at least 1 if not 2 points towards energy each time as the higher your energy the more difficult and more profitable missions you can do. Do not put skill points into health as this will help minimize the amount of attacks you can receive latter on in the game and the amount of money that can be stolen from you.

Hope this helps you guys that are just starting out

Also you can also visit for help on a bunch of different things pertaining to mobsters

Next blog will cover levels 6-10