Monday, September 22, 2008

Moving along levels 6-10

Moving along… levels 6-10

Ok if you followed my advice for levels 1-5 you should now be making about $1200-$1300 an hour. It’s not a lot but you are starting to build your real estate empire little by little.

On level 5 you acquired 2 new missions to do (collect protection money and the art museum heist) both require a vehicle which I did not touch on in my starting out blog.

Buy an El-Camino and do the collect protection money mission. Skip the art museum heist for a while. The reasons being are that the El Camino is 4.5 times cheaper than the Escalade $20,000 vs. $90,000 and more importantly the hourly upkeep is 10 times cheaper $20 vs. $200. You cannot afford to be paying out $200 an hour at this point for one vehicle.

Continue doing missions, attacking people, or banking money until you have $25,000 and then buy 5 vacant lots this will add $500 to your hourly income or an additional $12,000 a day. If you have the patience wait until you have $50,000 and buy 10 vacant lots for double the income, but make sure you buy these lots in bulk.

Vacant lots are the best deals in this game

Now continue doing what you are doing to make money (missions, attacking, or saving) until you can afford to buy some more restaurants and condos remember to buy these in bulk as the price goes up 10% for each unit you buy.

Important tip do not buy any more vacant lots until you have used up the 5 for 10 you purchased earlier as the price will have gone up on each lot.

Once you have bought the 5 or 10 properties listed above and have used all of your vacant lots up buy 5 or 10 more

You should be making anywhere from $2300-$5000 an hour now.

Continue adding mobsters to your mob and equipping them as you can afford to.

Remember to buy vacant lots in bulk and let them sit until you decide what you want to build on them

Remember to level up slowly if you can, as each level you go up you will need 5 additional mobsters which means you need vests and weapons for them

Continue using your skill points to up your energy levels and your attack and defense levels. I still recommend concentrating on upping your energy as each new mission requires more energy to do it but it is also usually more profitable as well.


Anonymous said...

hey, i dont get what "Upkeep From Equipment" is could u help me on that? t.y.

Lance Vegas said...

upkeep from equipment is what it cost you to own certain weapons body armour and vehicles check out your eqiupment page and after each vehicle there is an hourly cost to own that vehicle weapon or body armor which is deducted from your houly income

hope this helped