Friday, September 26, 2008

make that money level 31-40

Hopefully by now you are starting to make some real money at least a million or two an hour

The Federal Reserve heist is a great mission however it takes so much energy to do it but it pays off nicely when you can do it. That’s why I stressed putting skill points into energy so you could do this mission.

Now is the time to start concentrating on buying the bigger more expensive properties.

Concentrate on buying a casino or two and a couple of seaside resorts. Buying just 1 casino and 1 seaside resort will boost your hourly income by $500,000 an hour or $12 million a day.

Think about what your long term goals are? Are you going to buy 10 casinos or 10 seaside resorts? Whichever you choose make sure you buy the corresponding vacant land in bulk because you want the hourly income from the vacant land that ultimately you need anyway so buy it as soon as possible.

This stage of the game is also quite boring as you will pretty much just sit around waiting to do the gold heist mission and watching your hourly income build up so that you can buy the bigger properties.

You should level up a lot slower in this phase of the game since you can only do the gold heist once every 4.5 hours

Use these levels to concentrate on doubling tripling or even quadrupling your hourly income.

At level 35 you will be able to buy a humvee. Do not buy this vehicle for any reason at this stage of the game. This vehicle will cost you $1.5 million to buy and $13,000 an hour or $312,000 a day in upkeep for just one and it doesn’t come into play for mission until level 100.

Keep adding mobsters to your mob and equipping them. Now is the time to start buying better weapons. Make sure each of your mobsters has an ak-47 a bullet proof vest and a vehicle also make sure you have some mini guns and at least 1 rpg launcher. Sell all of your hand guns

At level 40 you get to do the high stakes gambling mission make sure you own a casino.

This is the mission you should be doing until level 50, abandon the Federal Reserve heist
Although risky you can do this mission at almost a rate of 4-1 vs the Federal Reserve heist . It will also help you level up quickly towards level 50 and the shopping malls.

Here are some general tips you should be following as well

Once you are clearing over 1 million an hour after upkeep stop using the bank. You are now clearing over 24 million a day. If you were to deposit your $$$ you would lose 2.4 million in bank fees. On average the most amounts of fights you should lose in a 24 hour period are 24. If you lost $100,000 each time you would lose $2.4 million a day, so if you are making clearing over 1 million an hour it is more beneficial not to bank your money.

Use all of your energy points every time you sign on but use them wisely. Do the biggest mission you can after being away for any substantial amount of time. Use any extra remaining energy points towards the next mission. Use all of your points before you sign off for any length of time (work, school, sleep)

Keep an eye on your level meter and my mobster tab. If you are getting close to leveling up and only need a few points to get to the next level go out and attack a few mobsters that are weaker than you instead of doing a mission that might take 30 energy to get to the next level, especially on levels right before new missions where you will need higher energy to complete the new missions.

When you will be away from the game for any substantial amount of time make sure you log out from the game. Yes you can and probably will still be attacked while you are away but by logging out you are not visible on the fight page and therefore less likely to be attacked.

Hopefully I have helped you in some way?

Please leave me a comment or better yet add me to your mob

Add my club as well

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